Amateur Radio Examination Schedules

Have you been studying for an upgrade, or just want to get your first Amateur Radio Operators License?

Wood County Emergency Communications holds testing before every business meeting (except the picnic and Christmas meetings) at 5:00 PM at the disignated business meeting place. See Announcements.

NOTE: Testing is sponsored by the W5YI-VEC Group. Wood County Emergency Communications is not responsible for misprints, incorrect information or cancelled testing session.

Applicants wishing Group Testing should contacting one of the below listed EC's to arrange for a testing date and location.

Ken Harris WA8LLM / Unit 251
Home 304 679 3470
Cell 304 481 3840
E-Mail Kenny Harris WA8LLM
Cathy Wotring KC8DJJ/ Unit 257
Home 304 210-3837
Cell 304 481 3840
E-Mail Cathy Wotring KC8DJJ


New Licensing Requirements

Candidates must bring two sets of ID, one with a picture. Advance notice of special circumstance requirements would be appreciated. Testing is $14.00 USD and start immediately after registration. You may bring calculators provided they don't store text.

Upgrading Requirements

If Upgrading you will needs to have a photocopy of your license, and the original. If you have a Certificate of Completion for which you want credit, bring a photocopy and the original with you. Advance notice of special circumstance requirements would be appreciated. Testing is $14.00 USD and starts immediately after registration. Calculators are allowed provided they don't store text.


W5YI Group



W5YI-VE Contact Person

Ken Harris WA8LLM

  • (304) 679-3470 H
  • (304) 481-3840 C

Study Guides and Practice Tests

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