DAREN of WV News August 8, 2021(F18)
(304) 679-3470 wa8llm@yahoo.com
Wood County Emergency Communications, 319 Communications Dr, Waverly, WV 26184
www.wc8ec.com or www.wc8ec.org
DAREN News, are articles and information about the Digital Amateur Radio "Emergency" Network of WV, which operates on 145.69 MHz. Anyone having any information about DAREN, or Amateur Radio in general, and would like to share it with others, may send it to WA8LLM @ PKBGWV on 145.69 MHz, or to my E-Mail: wa8llm@yahoo.com. A State Wide DAREN NET is operated every Saturday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, and lately, before and after those hours. The DAREN Net Announcement, showing the MAIN NCS, ALTERNATE NCS, NODEs accessible to both, and the previous week's check-ins, are posted by Thursday on most of the Main county DAREN PBBS'. The DAREN News can also be found on the www.wc8ec.com and www.wc8ec.org websites.
Gene Roy, N8ER, sent me an E-Mail about the Randolph County NODE/PBBS of RANDWV/ELKNWV. Gene told me the station went down in the last couple days. He has already notified Zane Hammack, WV8ZH, about the station. With the Randolph station down, it's a challenge posting some the DAREN News and weekly State Wide DAREN Net Announcements. The Ritchie County NODE/PBBS of RITCWV/HRVLWV is the station that I usually go through to get to RANDWV, but I think the RITCWV TNC has a slight problem. I think the transmit packet tones are a little off frequency or distorted, and has a problem communicating with some of the other DAREN stations, but RANDWV wasn't one of them. With RANDWV down, and RITCWV not able to connect to some of the others nodes, it's hard to get into the DAREN system. I almost forgot about the MFJ 1270 TNC that is also connected to the same transceiver as RITCWV. The MFJ 1270 TNC is used as a Chat Room, and is called CHATRM, but it is also a DAREN node, and can be used to connect to some of the nodes the RITCWV can't communicate with. Until the Randolph County node comes back up, you may try connecting to CHATRN, to get into the DAREN system and the weekly State Wide DAREN Net.
I'm going to be busy for the next two weeks. Next Saturday we will be holding a one day Technician Class Radio License class. The following Friday and Saturday will be the Parkersburg Homecoming. The Wood County Emergency Communications group will be operating the BINGO games. Before we can operate the BINGO games we need to finish rebuilding the BINGO tables and getting the rest of the equipment ready. By not operating the games last year, it's like trying to start all over again.
That's it for this week. If you have anything you want to pass on to others who read the DAREN News, let me know.
There were only 28 check-ins to the State Wide DAREN Net this week.