D.A.R.E.N. News 2019

DAREN of WV News May 19, 2019(E02)
(304) 679-3470 wa8llm@yahoo.com
Wood County Emergency Communications, 319 Communications Dr, Waverly, WV 26184
www.wc8ec.com or www.wc8ec.org

DAREN News, are articles and information about the Digital Amateur Radio "Emergency" Network of WV, which operates on 145.69 MHz.  Anyone having any information about DAREN, or Amateur Radio in general, and would like to share it with others, may send it to WA8LLM @ PKBGWV on 145.69 MHz, or to my E-Mail: wa8llm@yahoo.com.  A Statewide DAREN NET is operated every Saturday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, and lately, before and after those hours.  The DAREN Net Announcement, showing the MAIN NCS, ALTERNATE NCS, NODEs accessible to both, and the previous week's check-ins, are posted by Thursday on most of the Main county DAREN PBBS'.  The DAREN News can also be found on the www.wc8ec.com and www.wc8ec.org websites.

Well, I had to make another trip to the Wirt County site again Friday.  I found the problem why the NODE/PBBS of WIRTWV/ELIZWV went off the air.  Somehow one of the terminals on the power supply worked loose.  Everything in the cabinet was off the air including the Remote Receiver for the WCEC 147.255 MHz voice repeater.  I already had plans to change out the power supply, so that's what I did.  When I powered the NODE/PBBS back up, the transceiver was on the right channel.  It's possible that it holds its memory when the power is just turned off but doesn't like having a power lose spike.  I went ahead and put a booster battery on the system with the power supply.  Now if the commercial power would happen to take a short hit, the battery should keep the transceiver powered up.  With any luck the station should stay on the air for a long time.

There were only 25 check-ins to the Statewide DAREN Net this week.  There was one new check-in to the net, and that was Leslie Harris, KD8BMI, from Morgantown.  I want to welcome Leslie to the DAREN system, and hope she can participate in the net on a regular basis.  It's possible the low check-in count to the net this week was due to operators being out of town, going to the Dayton Hamfest this weekend.

That's all I have this week.  If you have any activities that you would like to announce, or talk about, let me know.


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