DAREN of WV News November 27, 2011(.A12)
WA8LLM (304) 679-3470 wa8llm@yahoo.com
P.O. BOX 3328, PARKERSBURG, WV 26103
DAREN News, are articles and information about the Digital Amateur Radio "Emergency" Network of WV, which operates on 145.69 MHz. Anyone having any information about DAREN, or Amateur Radio in general, and would like to share it with others, may send it to WA8LLM @ PKBGWV on 145.69 MHz, or to my E-Mail: wa8llm@yahoo.com. A State Wide DAREN NET is operated every Saturday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, and lately, before and after those hours. The DAREN Net Announcement, showing the MAIN NCS, ALTERNATE NCS, NODEs accessible to both, and the previous week's check-ins, are posted by Thursday on most of the Main county DAREN PBBS'. The DAREN News can also be found on the wc8ec.org website.
I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday. During the week I heard several gun shots, it sounded like someone got them some deer.
I received a telephone call from John Peterson, K8ZPR. John reported that his son Joe, N8DSN, came to visit him over the Thanksgiving holiday, and came down with pneumonia. John said that Joe will be spending a few days in the hospital in Weirton.
There's been no other news this week. The only other information is a one day Technician Class license that is going to be held this coming Saturday December 3rd in Parkersburg. If you know of anyone who wants to get their Technician Class license, tell them to contact me at: wa8llm@yahoo.com, or by telephone (304) 679.3470.
There were 53 check-ins to the State Wide DAREN Net this week. Roy Humes, N8RH, who's been participating in the net since April 2, 1994, has completed 750 check-ins, and will be receiving his certificate. Jim Stephenson, KE8YB, needs only one more check-in to make 350.