With Field Day 2008 behind us, we still have a lot to learn. To me that is what Field Day is for. If you participated in the Field Day this year, did you run into any problems that you had to work out? I was once told the only person who doesn't make mistakes is the person who doesn't do anything. I think the same thing can be said about learning. If you did not pick up, or learn at least one or two things during Field Day it may be that you weren't doing anything. There were a lot of instructions being passed on, to those who helped set up, operate, or tear down, at our Field Day activity. I would be willing to say that each of them learned at least one thing new. It's best to learn as much as you can during times of practice, rather than waiting for a disaster to strike, and the realize that you could have done a better job, if, you had learned something from a disaster exercise, drill, or even Field Day.
Ken Harris WA8LLM
Wood County WV;
ARES Assistant Section Coordinator WV
ARES District Emergency Coordinator WV DISTRICT 3