In every activity that you're involved in, you should set a goal to achieve. Even though you may not be able to achieve that goal it's something that you have to look forward to. If it's a foot race, you set a goal of how fast you can run it in, or try to do a little better than you did the last time. If it's a fund raising event, then you need to set a goal of what you did the last time or maybe a little higher. It's hard to set a goal if you don't have something to reference it to, but you should set a goal anyway. If you meet the goal this time, then set the goal a little higher the next time. If you don't have something to look forward to, then you may not try as hard as you should. So the next time you're operating Field Day, running a foot race, or operating a fund raiser, make a goal and try to meet or exceed it.
(Reprint, with modification of, Wood County ARES Bulletin NR 99.35)
Ken Harris WA8LLM
Wood County WV;
ARES Assistant Section Coordinator WV
ARES District Emergency Coordinator WV DISTRICT 3